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Old 04-22-2024, 09:45 PM   #11
sublipri can self-interpret dreams as they happen.sublipri can self-interpret dreams as they happen.sublipri can self-interpret dreams as they happen.sublipri can self-interpret dreams as they happen.sublipri can self-interpret dreams as they happen.sublipri can self-interpret dreams as they happen.sublipri can self-interpret dreams as they happen.sublipri can self-interpret dreams as they happen.sublipri can self-interpret dreams as they happen.sublipri can self-interpret dreams as they happen.sublipri can self-interpret dreams as they happen.
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Originally Posted by gonzule View Post
i was able to properly display the SVG after it was created by the script, so thank you so much!
No problem!

Quick question re your binary. Does it support other fbink commands/options? I tried displaying the image using some parameters that work for mewith fbink, but they don't seemt to be recognised here:
The binary doesn't support any of the commands/options from the fbink CLI. It's just a simple utility that's hard-coded to print an SVG with the same properties as your example file. I've modified it to do a flashing clear in (I think) the same way your fbink command does, so hopefully this new version won't require a workaround. Also changed it so that if given a directory as a second argument it will load any font files from there instead of using a hard-coded font, which might make it usable with different SVGs. So you should either use it as:

fbink-svg weather-script-output.svg


fbink-svg weather-script-output.svg /path/to/fonts

Here's the code, FWIW:

use std::{env, fs};

use fbink_rs::{FbInk, FbInkConfig};
use resvg::tiny_skia;
use resvg::usvg::{self, fontdb};

fn main() {
    let Some(svg_path) = env::args_os().nth(1) else {
        println!("Usage: ./fbink-svg SVG_FILE FONT_DIR");
    let svg_data = fs::read(svg_path).expect("Failed to read SVG file");
    let config = FbInkConfig {
        is_flashing: true,
        is_cleared: true,
    let fbink = FbInk::new(config).expect("Failed to initialize FBInk");
    let state = fbink.state();
    let width = state.view_width;
    let height = state.view_height;

    let tree = {
        let mut fontdb = fontdb::Database::new();
        let default_font = include_bytes!("../default.ttf");
        if let Some(font_dir) = env::args_os().nth(2) {
        } else {
        usvg::Tree::from_data(&svg_data, &Default::default(), &fontdb)
            .expect("Failed to create SVG tree")
    let mut pixmap = tiny_skia::Pixmap::new(width, height).expect("Failed to render SVG");
    resvg::render(&tree, Default::default(), &mut pixmap.as_mut());
        .print_raw_data(, width as i32, height as i32, 0, 0)
        .expect("Failed to print SVG to screen");
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