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Old 04-12-2024, 04:03 PM   #1
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Calibre Access in Python Script


I am trying to create a request bot in Discord. I successfully created it with movies and tv shows, and am working on getting books working now.

I am confident I can get the book requests, but I also want an option for users to get a book sent to their email (mainly for Amazon's send to kindle).

My goal is:
  1. User performs a search for a book (or even an author)
  2. A list of books/authors is returned to the user
  3. User selects a book or author (if author, it then displays a list of books by the author)
  4. User selects a book
  5. Book is sent to their kindle email

What I am curious, is there an API or module to interact with calibre through python? Really I would need to look for a book, grab an epub (convert if it doesn't exist), and send it via an email. I saw some other links but it seemed like that was creating an entire environments for it and it got me confused.
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