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Old 04-12-2024, 06:25 AM   #1256
Ceiyne can name that song in three notesCeiyne can name that song in three notesCeiyne can name that song in three notesCeiyne can name that song in three notesCeiyne can name that song in three notesCeiyne can name that song in three notesCeiyne can name that song in three notesCeiyne can name that song in three notesCeiyne can name that song in three notesCeiyne can name that song in three notesCeiyne can name that song in three notes
Posts: 35
Karma: 24602
Join Date: May 2015
Device: Kobo Glo HD
Is there a way to use NickelMenu to change the system language, for example, a menu item that changes the Kobo interface to Japanese, and another to change it to English?

What I'm really after is the ability to easily access the Japanese keyboard/input method to type Japanese text (e.g., in a search field). As far as I know, you can only use that when the Kobo system language is Japanese, and I usually have my Kobo set to English. So, if there's some way to do that, with or without NickelMenu, please let me know.
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