Thread: Sigil niggles
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Old 03-25-2024, 05:53 PM   #28
jwes began at the beginning.
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Originally Posted by KevinH View Post
It was designed to be opened by keyboard shortcut, and ctrl-clicked on char to insert char and auto close, so that the user can keep typing in whatever field they are in (Find, Replace, or CodeView) without missing a beat. It picks up where focus was just before it was launched.

If you leave it open, Insert Char will be targeting the previous focus location as tracked by Sigil. And from the sound of things, that is exactly what it is doing in your example.

If you want to insert characters or strings only into CodeView, then use clips. That is what clips are designed for.

As for not trying to be argumentative, I find that hard to believe. You have kept asking the same thing and I have kept repeating the same answer - that this behaviour is as designed and won't be changed. Then you ignore repeated suggestions to use clips, which are designed to do exactly what you seem to want (to only target CodeView) and are more flexible given they can be used to enclose selected text, as well as append it.

And that is now the last I will say on the subject. For me this topic is now closed.
I want to be sure that I understand you. You are saying that in some cases characters from Insert Special Character should go to a different window than characters from the keyboard.
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