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Old 03-24-2024, 01:10 AM   #8
unkn0wn can do the Funky Gibbon.unkn0wn can do the Funky Gibbon.unkn0wn can do the Funky Gibbon.unkn0wn can do the Funky Gibbon.unkn0wn can do the Funky Gibbon.unkn0wn can do the Funky Gibbon.unkn0wn can do the Funky Gibbon.unkn0wn can do the Funky Gibbon.unkn0wn can do the Funky Gibbon.unkn0wn can do the Funky Gibbon.unkn0wn can do the Funky Gibbon.
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Join Date: May 2021
Device: kindle
Its still working here!
use the latest version of calibre, maybe recipes are not checking for updates in older versions.

from import BasicNewsRecipe, classes
from urllib.parse import quote

class TheWeek(BasicNewsRecipe):
    title = 'The Week'
    __author__ = 'unkn0wn'
    description = (
        'The Week is for readers who want to know what\'s going on in the world, without having to read '
        'several daily newspapers or get wrapped up in the endless news cycle. For every important story, '
        'our editors carefully select commentary from all sides of the debate and artfully stitch them together '
        'into one concise read. By showing you every perspective, we enable you to form your own opinion.'
    language = 'en_US'
    encoding = 'utf-8'
    no_stylesheets = True
    remove_javascript = True
    remove_attributes = ['width', 'height', 'style']

    ignore_duplicate_articles = {'title', 'url'}
    remove_empty_feeds = True
    resolve_internal_links = True
    simultaneous_downloads = 1
    oldest_article = 7 # days
    web_url = ''

    extra_css = '''
        img {display:block; margin:0 auto;}
        .caption__text--hero, .credit { font-size:small; text-align:center; }
        .header__strapline, em, i { color:#202020; }
        .article-type__breadcrumb { color:grey; }
        .author-byline__author-text {font-size:small; }

    def get_cover_url(self):
        import json
        url = ''
        data = json.loads(self.index_to_soup(url, raw=True))
        for x in data['timelines'][:5]:
            if '-cover-' in x['image']:
                return '' + x['image'][1:]

    articles_are_obfuscated = True

    def get_obfuscated_article(self, url):
        br = self.get_browser()
        soup = self.index_to_soup(url)
        link = soup.a['href']
        skip_sections =[ # add sections you want to skip
            '/video/', '/videos/', '/multimedia/',
        if any(x in link for x in skip_sections):
            self.abort_article('skipping video links ', link)
        self.web_url = link
        html =
        return ({ 'data': html, 'url': link })

    keep_only_tags = [
        classes('article-type__breadcrumb header__title header__strapline image image--hero author-byline__author-text article__body')

    remove_tags = [
            'blueconic-article__wrapper ad-unit van_vid_carousel tag-links'

    def preprocess_html(self, soup):
        for img in soup.findAll('img', attrs={'data-pin-media':True}):
            img['src'] = img['data-pin-media'].replace('.jpg', '-768-80.jpg')
        return soup

    feeds = []
    when = oldest_article*24
    index = ''   
    sections = [
        'politics', 'news', 'cartoons', 'tech', 'science', 'health', 
        'culture-life', 'business', 'travel', 'arts-life', 'history'
    for sec in sections:
        a = '{}h+allinurl:{}&hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US:en'
        feeds.append((sec.capitalize(), a.format(when, quote(index + sec, safe=''))))
    feeds.append(('Others', a.format(when, quote(index, safe=''), '')))

    def populate_article_metadata(self, article, soup, first):
        article.title = article.title.replace(' - The Week', '')
        desc = soup.find(**classes('header__strapline'))
        if desc:
            article.summary = self.tag_to_string(desc)
            article.text_summary = article.summary
        article.url = self.web_url
or use this code.
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