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Old 08-24-2023, 10:53 PM   #54
modified is faster than a rolling 'o,' stronger than silent 'e,' and leaps capital 'T' in a single bound!modified is faster than a rolling 'o,' stronger than silent 'e,' and leaps capital 'T' in a single bound!modified is faster than a rolling 'o,' stronger than silent 'e,' and leaps capital 'T' in a single bound!modified is faster than a rolling 'o,' stronger than silent 'e,' and leaps capital 'T' in a single bound!modified is faster than a rolling 'o,' stronger than silent 'e,' and leaps capital 'T' in a single bound!modified is faster than a rolling 'o,' stronger than silent 'e,' and leaps capital 'T' in a single bound!modified is faster than a rolling 'o,' stronger than silent 'e,' and leaps capital 'T' in a single bound!modified is faster than a rolling 'o,' stronger than silent 'e,' and leaps capital 'T' in a single bound!modified is faster than a rolling 'o,' stronger than silent 'e,' and leaps capital 'T' in a single bound!modified is faster than a rolling 'o,' stronger than silent 'e,' and leaps capital 'T' in a single bound!modified is faster than a rolling 'o,' stronger than silent 'e,' and leaps capital 'T' in a single bound!
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Originally Posted by morriscox View Post
I have been checking out magazines from my library. Some download fine but some, like PC Gamer, give me the error message: AttributeError " 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'perfs'
The error message pop-up should offer you a button to "Copy" the full error trace log, please post with that instead in the future because the short error message is insufficient.

I've also tested with the 2 different PC Gamer magazine titles listed below and both downloaded fine.

PC Gamer (US Edition)
PC Gamer

Can you provide a link to a magazine that could not be downloaded?
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