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Old 08-02-2023, 10:06 AM   #12
Cyfranek juggles running chainsaws for a bit of light exerciseCyfranek juggles running chainsaws for a bit of light exerciseCyfranek juggles running chainsaws for a bit of light exerciseCyfranek juggles running chainsaws for a bit of light exerciseCyfranek juggles running chainsaws for a bit of light exerciseCyfranek juggles running chainsaws for a bit of light exerciseCyfranek juggles running chainsaws for a bit of light exerciseCyfranek juggles running chainsaws for a bit of light exerciseCyfranek juggles running chainsaws for a bit of light exerciseCyfranek juggles running chainsaws for a bit of light exerciseCyfranek juggles running chainsaws for a bit of light exercise
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#808040 color as far as I know should be the first one and the only one color in color palete. If there are more colors (except shades of gray) or if it's not the first one, it cause problems. Try to check palette if it's OK.
I don't remember Touch Lux 3 settings, but there should be an option in "saving battery" menu - switch off "auto screen lock".
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