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Old 02-14-2022, 01:08 PM   #6
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I'm sure they'll get right on it, top priority for them and all that.


Kindle is and has been for a long time overwriting book covers with a <BLANK> cover for books not officially purchased from the KINDLE AMAZON STORE. I add books to my Kindle over USB, covers show for a few seconds, then the Kindle blanks out the cover and shows its own DUMB BLANK cover.

Nobody is dumb enough to think that this is an accident, a software bug, or a small overlooked issue that only 1 reader cares about, and J. Bezos is too busy to fix (yacht parties, natch). Many many users are angry about this and have been posting about this issue for months or more on Calibre forums and elsewhere.


My request as an excellent Amazon customer who is severely pissed off about this purposeful broken Kindle behavior:

STOP <blanking> out covers for sideloaded books on our Kindles.

You know exactly what and why you are doing it. It is not an accident and it has been going on for a very long time.

Please fix this issue by not purposely blanking out covers.
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